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Memorial Cancer Institute A Grand Opening to Salute a Community Game Changer

When Memorial Healthcare System completed its extraordinary $125 million, 121,000 square foot state-of-the-art Memorial Cancer Institute, it was truly time to celebrate. The grand opening event needed to communicate to doctors, staff, patients, partners and the entire community that this game-changing Center was a breakthrough cancer resource for all of South Florida.

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Start With An Inspiring Rallying Cry

Starmark transformed Memorial Cancer Institute’s “We Lead” core brand message into the event’s rallying cry: “Together We Lead”: a celebratory tribute to what everyone involved — donors, staff, patients, collaborating partners and the South Florida community — achieved as a unified team.

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Add A Show-Stopping Centerpiece

A one-of-a-kind, three-story staircase installation served as the dramatic backdrop to the grand opening events, while creating an emotional connection with each attendee. The execution utilized architectural elements, surrounding natural light and 58 steps to create an unforgettable ethereal mountain vista that connected visitors to the cancer journey.

Like the mountain metaphor, confronting cancer takes determination, compassion and expertise. Aspirational messaging featured along the stair treads supported the hospital’s mission to lead with compassion, while leading for the lives they touch.

The pièce de résistance: a powerful moment where users could pose on the summit. Not only did this approach create a “wow” factor and photo ops for event attendees, it remains on display permanently and continues to serve as a warm, reassuring beacon to every new patient, family member and visitor who enters the Memorial Cancer Institute.

The event’s impact personally touched every guest who attended and will inspire thousands of patients going forward, as we welcome each with heart and commitment to their confident, peaceful journey.

— Katy Gewartowski, Starmark VP Client Service
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Inspire Guests At Every Turn

Starmark kept the impactful theme going throughout the center, engaging guests with visual surprises and interactive opportunities in every space and corner. There were entrance banners, event signage and brochures welcoming and guiding their experience. Compelling points of interest that grabbed and held their attention. Memorable photo opportunities as keepsakes. And a stirring Sign-In Wall inviting guests to commemorate and share the journeys undertaken by their loved ones.

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