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Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital From Single Fundraiser to Strategic Mindset Shift

Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, a top-tier specialized pediatric facility, relies heavily on donor generosity to save and heal children. As research, surgical technology and treatments rapidly evolve, saving lives requires continuous funding. Sporadic one-off fundraising initiatives are rarely enough, no matter how successful each may be.

So when Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital asked Starmark to create its newest fundraising campaign, we aimed higher: empowering JDCH to reap the rewards long after the initial campaign’s conclusion.

Diagnosis: Bigger Brand Impact and Year-Round Inspiration

Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital (JDCH) in South Florida is a nationally recognized specialized pediatric healthcare leader. Their team handles 360,000+ patient encounters annually. As South Florida’s healthcare demands rapidly outgrew the hospital’s available resources, its leadership launched a five-year capital campaign to raise expansion funding. The need: four additional hospital floors; new medical technology and treatments to improve patient outcomes; and greater support for families and underserved communities.

Treatment Plan: Convey JDCH’s Life-Changing Impact to Boost Donations

Starmark developed and implemented Catch The Love: a multi-channel effort to support the foundation’s fundraising campaign. However, it was built to be much bigger in scope. Catch The Love shifted the mindset, instilling a more proactive culture of year-round giving internally and externally. The goal was to embed a 365-day philanthropic mindset in donors, staff, hospital partners, patients and families.

Stirring visuals and emotional messaging showcased the life-changing impact of JDCH’s specialized capabilities on thousands of Florida families and those traveling here from other states/countries — and the need for continual support to keep saving more lives. A photoshoot fueled the campaign and all supporting content needs.

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Catch The Love campaign components included campus signage, email and mail, mar-com collateral, dedicated campaign landing page and branded gifts for VIP donor events.

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The result?
$50 million dollars raised the first year: that’s 50% higher than the original year 1 goal.
The FULL 5-YEAR campaign goal was achieved by the end of Year 1!

Follow-Up Care: Love Builds Hope

After the ambitious expansion was completed, it was time to share the exciting new capabilities with all the people who made it possible, as well as the greater South Florida community. Starmark partnered with JDCH to brainstorm and plan a series of experiential brand-building and community relations events under the inspiring “Love Builds Hope” umbrella theme.

The theme, a natural extension of “Catch The Love”, celebrates the power of what love had built. Thousands more children would now experience new hope, healing and health thanks to what JDCH donors, staff, patients and families all built together.

Each Love Builds Hope event was customized to a particular audience’s needs and interests. These audiences included donors, community VIPs, hospital and government leadership, staff, South Florida pediatricians; non-profit partners, patients, families and the community at large.

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“Love Builds Hope” was embedded everywhere: in signage, food, drinks and activities. Indoor events offered all-access, personalized tours, including areas visitors rarely see. There were meet & greets with top pediatric surgeons and operating room tours with live demos of surgical tech.

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Attendees strolled through expanded patient and family spaces. Interactive games and fun photo ops kept everyone engaged and sharing on social channels. Each guest left with a touching gift: art postcards hand-drawn by JDCH littlest patients. There was also a merch boutique with proceeds donated to the JDCH foundation.

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Patients, families and the greater South Florida community enjoyed their own celebration: an outdoor launch party with food, games, festivities and fun for little ones and adults alike.


Robust Outcomes: Brand and Philanthropic Success


Award-winning JDCH Love Builds and Catch the Love campaigns are just two of our many healthcare successes. Ask us about our community engagement, women’s health; U.S. veterans healthcare; rehab; long-term senior care; hospice; and other healthcare initiatives that reflect all life stages across the continuum of care. We’ve supported virtually every healthcare niche: let’s talk about driving more robust outcomes for yours!

$50M IN YEAR 1