Award: Big ideas in Florida tourism marketing awarded with top honors
Sep 08 , 2016Article: New app power with Apple’s new software
Sep 07 , 2016eTIP 225: Is broadcast advertising still relative?
eTIP 224: Creating Compelling Mobile Ads with Facebook Canvas
eTIP 223: Programmatic revolutionizes the digital ad industry
Article: Google links mobile devices to physical world
Aug 09 , 2016eTIP 222: Create a new marketing channel – literally – with your own branded TV channel
eTIP 221: The Local Marketing Power behind Pokémon Go!
Award: FPL FiberNet Takes Home Five Top Industry Awards
Jul 26 , 2016eTIP 220: Surviving Facebook’s Many Algorithm Updates
eTIP 219: Why Prototype?
Article: Three ‘realities’ – virtual, augmented, mixed – for business
Jun 28 , 2016