Apr 22, 2011
Starmark Takes Green Personally

Each year at Starmark, we encourage our employees to pledge to reduce either their individual carbon footprint or the carbon footprint of their entire family in honor of Earth Day. Once again, I am proud to say that this year we had 100 percent participation!
This year we’ve come a long way as a company in leading the “Green” charge, both personally and professionally.
Starmark Partner and Interactive Guru Brett Circe has not only penned several blogs about technology that helps the environment but also purchased an electric car, the Chevy Volt. The Volt features an on-board gas generator that charges the battery when it dies. Now saving about $3,000 in gas annually, he blogs about the purchase of his way cool Chevy Volt including a guest post for the GM Volt Blog about a road trip he took from Baltimore to Ft. Lauderdale in the new vehicle. CBS Channel 4 even featured him in a story about car charging stations that are beginning to increase in popularity as more consumers go electric.

Circe’s Chevy Volt at an EarthDay Event for Stiles Corporation
Starmark also proudly signed Hypower, Inc as a client this year, the largest EPC (Engineer, Procure and Construct) firm in the Renewable Energy industry. Yesterday we announced the launch of their new website, which not only touts the number of MW of renewable energy installed this year (an astonishing 100MW if anyone’s counting), but also serves as depository for thought leadership in the industry.
We look forward to continuing our commitment to help the environment. If you’d like to calculate your own carbon footprint, visit the Yahoo Green Calculator to answer a few simple questions. Then, click on “Make a Plan” at http://green.yahoo.com/pledge/ and pledge to reduce YOUR carbon footprint by committing to a few small changes. After all, Green is the New Black.