Feb 22, 2012
A Child Is Missing Celebrates 1,000 Safe Recoveries

When a child or an elderly person goes missing, every second counts. Thankfully, A Child Is Missing (ACIM) is working with 4,500 police departments across the country to reunite missing loved ones with family members.
Starmark is proud to congratulate ACIM on its milestone achievement of 1,000 safe recoveries nationwide.
“We’re honored to be partners with an organization that has touched the lives of so many families over the past 15 years,” says Starmark CEO Peggy Nordeen. “The number of recoveries is 1,000 but the number of lives impacted is countless.”
ACIM uses a high-tech method to search locally for missing children, missing elderly (often with Alzheimer’s), college students, and missing persons who may be mentally or physically challenged or disabled. Recoveries have been made with the help of the public within five minutes and up to 60 minutes, which is the average.
How it works: Upon receipt of missing persons calls, the participating police department makes its first phone call to a toll-free number that rings in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the national headquarters of the ACIM Alert program. The call, answered 24/7/365 by an Information and Mapping Technician, initiates a rapid process of information gathering and use of sophisticated mapping systems. ACIM then launches potentially thousands of calls within minutes with an alert message detailing the missing person’s description, last known whereabouts, and pertinent information. This alert message also includes a police department phone number for use by anyone with information relating to the missing person.
To enter your contact information, visit www.achildismissing.org and click on “Connect.” This information will only be used for emergency message alerts.
View videos and newscasts about ACIM’s 1,000 safe recoveries.