Facebook has more photos on it than all the other photo services combined, adding up to 100,000,000 new photos per day. With the simplicity of adding photos, including in real time from mobile devices, the ability to “tag” them with your friends, and the notifications it sends to those friends, makes photo sharing a huge success on the platform.
A few weeks ago Facebook announced an overhaul of their Photo tagging system. The major new feature is that you can now “tag” a photo with a brand Fan page, in addition to your friends. This is just one more step Facebook is taking to make “Fan Pages” more like user profiles (which in turn makes them easier to interact with).
What this means to brands on Facebook is that now any photo that includes your “brand” in it can be tagged right along with the people in that photo. This, in a way, is the ultimate in product placement. Your brand, right in the photo that all their friends will see.
Facebook maintains the privacy settings of the photo based on the user. Meaning, if the photo is set to publish to “everyone,” then it will show up on the “Photos” tab of your Fan Page, under the “Photos and Videos of You” section. If photos are only shown to friends, only their friends will see the photo.
As movies and TV shows have been doing for years, product placement may now become the norm for social marketing as well.
PS: If you do not want photos where your brand is tagged showing up on your Photos tab (there may be a reason), as a page Admin, you can disable this feature by disallowing users from posting photos to your page.