ETIP #81

Support Your Local Marketing Group

Support Your Local Marketing Group


What have you done for me lately? Well, if you pose that question to one of the advertising and marketing professional organizations, the answer is plenty…plenty that you may not be aware of.

Organizations like the American Advertising Federation, South Florida Interactive Marketing Association, Direct Marketing Association, and AIGA, to name a few, provide ongoing education through webinars, scholarships, discounts on software and magazine subscriptions, panel presentations and conferences. They all also offer unbiased feedback on your work; enter a competition and have your work judged by the best and the brightest in the field. You may also benefit from the salary guides and job boards.

Plus, at the monthly meetings of local chapters, you can enjoy the camaraderie of associating with your peers in the industry, talking shop, networking and supporting your industry as a whole.

We encourage you to become a member and to support your local marketing group! Participate by going to events and serving on one of the boards. If you think you’re at the top of your game, try to obtain a speaking opportunity or submit your work to one of the organizations for an online or on-location exhibit. Remember these organizations exist for the purpose of furthering and enhancing your expertise in advertising and marketing. So, set some goals and let these groups help you get to where you want to be.