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ETIP #96
Mobile Apps Drive Social Sharing
All great social applications do one thing right – make it easy to share. “Ease of use” is key for all websites and mobile applications especially when you add social media into the mix. Some great mobile applications doing it right are:
This fun and whimsical approach to our campaign extension for Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau was the natural manifestation of the campaign itself when users would want to stand behind swimwear in ice-blocks to get photos of themselves. But the root of the application is fun. It’s got to be fun or people will just lose interest.
Therefore, when you’re creating an application for your marketing campaign or client you have to ask the following:
What are the goals of the application?
Why would someone want to use the application? And more than once!
Why would a user want to share with others?
What story does the brand communicate within the application?
It’s critical that these questions are answered before venturing into the development of a mobile/tablet based application. Let Starmark walk you through the process and make your app not only fun and entertaining but easy to use and share!