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ETIP #123
How to engage with social media detractors
Organizations and brands should maximize their own social media channels to engage with their patrons and customers. However, detractors intent on criticizing, attacking or being downright disruptive can create a number of challenges for companies striving to maintain a positive narrative.
While it may seem counter intuitive, companies should ensure that these detractors have a voice. An organization that supports debate on its social media properties builds trust and credibility among its followers. This opportunity for engagement and dialogue is social media’s core value and something you should embrace. Honest and open discussion makes your social medial platforms a leading source for information, an asset that can be especially valuable should your company ever find itself in a crisis.
When you give your detractors a voice, you can handle them in three ways: ignore, let your community of advocates respond, or answer yourself. Most detractors, after venting their negativity, will disappear and should be ignored. Among companies with a vibrant online community, brand advocates will often respond on the brand’s behalf – a powerful, independent voice. Finally, you can respond to unrelenting detractors with messaging that has already been vetted and approved. Take the time now to understand your brand’s vulnerabilities and plan ahead; allowing serious criticism to fester while navigating a lengthy approval process makes the comment seem more credible.