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ETIP #226
Leveraging Buyer Intent to Optimize Rank in Search Engines
Understanding key insights about your customer base is critical to optimizing your website for success! Predicting what your customers want and how they search can help your business appear higher and higher in the rankings. All you need to do is a little homework.
We already know that the majority of search engine queries can be broken down into three actions:
Go: Navigational searches
Know: Informational searches
Do: Transactional searches
When trying to optimize your website, it helps to think of the user’s intention when they search for a service such as yours. What users type as a phrase in the search bar is known as a long tail keyword, such as “Size 7 1/2 black ballet flats.” If you take into account what prospective buyers look for and how they type it, you know what information to highlight to draw people to your website.
You can also determine “where” in the purchase process a customer is by reading certain keywords: “best” as in “best lawn care company” would indicate the “consideration phase.” If “review” is typed, then we can determine that the customer is most likely ready to purchase.
Knowing key insights about your customer base can make all the difference in helping your business succeed.